Advantages and Disadvantages of DAWSON Hand Winch

Publish Time: 2022-07-01     Origin: Site

Some of the upside to a DAWSON hand winch is you don’t need a bull bar fitted to your vehicle, you can remove the hand winch from your vehicle when it’s not required, very little maintenance required, you can attach it to the front or rear of your vehicle, it will work under water and you can remove trees of the road without driving your vehicle off the road.

The downside to the DAWSON hand winch is, it takes a bit more work in setting it up and a few muscles required to recover your vehicle.  You do need to stand next to the winch to operate it, this does put you in the danger zone but the sheer pin in the handle should break before the cable, but for your protection always use your cable dampener should the cable break. 

Overall the hand winch is more flexible and cheaper but you have to do all the hard work.  For people that like testing their vehicle in tough conditions I would recommend a hand winch.

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